Le moto-taxi consiste à transporter une personne sur un deux-roues motorisé. Très développé notamment en Asie (le fameux touk touk thailandais) et en Afrique, cette activité a fait son apparition en ...
At first glance, the Moto G 2025 doesn’t scream “budget phone” and that’s a huge selling point. It’s tall, strikingly slender, and light all the while lacking any sort of hollowness ...
The first batch of 3,500 cabs from five taxi fleets will begin operating in Hong Kong later this month offering premium services such as wireless internet, with the city’s transport minister ...
He explained that bike taxis are the main mode of transportation for 50 per cent of the students at the institution. King is confident that the students’ academics and attendance will ...
The 2025 version of the Motorola Moto G Power takes a surprising step back from its predecessor with a less powerful processor that results in slower performance. The Moto G Power looks like a ...
West Bengal's government and a private firm have relaunched 20 modernised "Yellow Heritage Cabs" to revive Kolkata's yellow taxis tradition. These environmentally friendly cabs, adorned with ...
Les conducteurs de moto-taxis sont très solidaires entre eux. Il est très courant qu'ils se soutiennent entre eux en cas d'incident avec un automobiliste ou les forces de l'ordre. Il est également ...
In an effort to revive the iconic yellow taxis which are dwindling in numbers with time, the West Bengal government in association with a private company, has launched a fleet of 20 modern cars.
SINGAPORE – A campaign to tackle the problem of passengers evading fares on taxis and private-hire vehicles has been launched, although the number of cases referred to the authorities for ...
L’activité des motos taxis est désormais réglementée au Cameroun à la faveur de la publication d’un décret du Premier ministre, chef du gouvernement a appris APA de source officielle.