Perhaps chief among these hurdles to buying a home are the myths that people still take stock in, even some of the most debunked misconceptions ... negotiations begin. Myth 2: A 20% Down Payment ...
While contemporary popular culture tends to point toward Transylvania as the seat and heart of the vampiric myth, most scientists today agree that the concept of the vampire came to Western culture ...
The Cliffs of Moher in Co Clare are one the most popular tourist attractions to visit in Ireland but what you might not know is that they are steeped in tales of ancient Irish myth and tradition.
A modern retelling of the myth is in the offing at the University of Central Arkansas when the theater department presents ...
In the classic Parthenope myth, the siren whose voice brought sailors to their doom throws herself into the sea after Ulysses successfully resists her temptation. Her body is discovered on the ...