More than 150 colorful paintings -- created by middle school students and featuring letters of the alphabet in a style to ...
Joerg’s final project is just one example of the sense of community fostered among students in smaller concentrations. The ...
Reflecting on Manuscripts,” which was co-curated by Larisa Grollemond to feature previously unrevealed parts of the museum’s collection of medieval manuscripts. The students’ personal ...
The local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism encourages members to study the Middle Ages, practice medieval arts ...
When the clock struck 8 p.m. on Saturday, University students and alumni stepped into King Arthur’s castle for a night in Camelot. The 1998 Homecoming Ball tied into Homecoming’s “Let’s Get Medieval” ...
Members of a Cheyenne medieval weapons club aren’t just hobbyists, they seriously train with period-appropriate swords like ...
UofL Assistant Professor of Anthropology Kathryn Marklein co-authored a study that contradicts past literature about the ...
Silva, assistant professor of English at Oklahoma State University, will deliver a talk at 11:50 a.m. today in Kimpel Hall 409 titled ...
Sugary, sweet scents filled the kitchen of the Menard Center last week as homeschool students and their parents put their best cake forward in the 2nd annual Student and Parent ...
program coordinator with the Medieval Fair Department. “It connects professors with a different audience than just their students and it gives the general public access to the professors at the ...
Idaho State University History’s Medieval World Speaker Series features Dr. Valerie Hansen from Yale this Wednesday at 4 p.m.
It’s winter, but birch trees have sprouted in Schaeffer Theatre — crafted by stage manager Sophie Hafter '25, whose scenic artistry helps "The Seagull" glide between realism and the avant-garde.