I am a loyal Smith alumna. The friendships I made with my professors were the most enlightening, cherished, and enduring ...
The local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism encourages members to study the Middle Ages, practice medieval arts ...
Cats wearing clothes and playing musical instruments.These are part of a treasure trove of medieval animal illustrations that ...
While mobilization remains limited to a few universities and a minority of a few hundred students, the war in Gaza has ...
On St. Patrick’s Day, the vice president personally guided Dominican Father Henry Stephan through the presidential residence.
Casteen may be best remembered as the founder of AccessUVA, a scholarship program to support undergraduate students whose qualifications were excellent, but whose families would be hard pressed to ...
Beloved Kolkata professor Sajni Kripalani Mukherji remembered for her warmth, knowledge, and impact beyond the classroom.
We plan to hold the 45th Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum in person with a limited number of virtual presentations. We welcome abstracts (one page or less) from faculty, students, and independent ...
Murder in the Hoynak Room” may sound like the title of an Agatha Christie novel, but students can solve a medieval mystery ...
• Tales from the D-Dennis Coffey: March 21, Detroit Historical Museum, 5401 Woodward Ave., Detroit, hosted by Detroit ...
Rennes in France is a beautiful market town that is just a four-hour train ride away from the UK and boasts a huge market, medieval architecture and amazing nightlife ...
Students reenacted throwing tea into the Boston Harbor with Professor of History David Stewart and Assistant Professor of ...