Republicans are already worried that their aggressive policy agenda could bite them come midterms.
Almost 15 million Californians have health care coverage through Medi-Cal, a program that stands to lose billions of dollars ...
House Minority Leader Jeffries is warning Americans will be "devastated" by what he calls the "largest Medicaid cut in American history" being pushed by House Republicans.
Programs projected to prevent thousands of deaths and even more illnesses are on the chopping block, while Republicans ...
Around a dozen House Republicans are uneasy about the prospect of voting for their party’s budget proposal over potential ...
By Whitney Downard Indiana Capital Chronicle For The Republic The state of Indiana receives more than $20 billion from the ...
Democratic lawmakers said House Republicans voted to gut Medicaid Tuesday night despite providing little evidence to back up their claims. After House GOP leadership narrowly passed its […] ...
An audit requested by GOP lawmakers shows Illinois Gov. Pritzker’s administration grossly underestimated the $1.6 billion ...
Pa. Republican House members voted for a budget resolution that could lead to drastic cuts in Medicaid for their constituents ...
Massive Medicaid cuts may lead providers to make up the difference by raising rates for employer health plans. Businesses are ...