which was introduced in Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah. The Dock didn’t always look the way it does now; at first, it was just a row of plain square icons. The polished, glossy design we recognize today ...
Luckily, you can force some of these icons to be hidden from the dock. Here's how. For this example, we will hide an application that everyone has installed by default on their Mac, the Safari web ...
Note that there appears to be a bug in OS X where once you have changed the icon once, Finder may not notice that you have changed it again until you manually restart the Finder (control+option+click ...
If the app was minimized, clicking its Dock icon restores the window to its previous size and location on screen. The Windows counterpart is the Taskbar (see Win Taskbar). Introduced with Mac OS X ...
We featured cool CSS experiments before: iOS icons in CSS, a Kinetic type video, a 3D rotating molecules demo that works great on the iPad earlier today. Web developer and interface designer Michael ...