This brings us to the world’s richest diamond mine, worth an estimated £1 billion, that sits in the heart of an ancient volcanic crater in Botswana. The Jwaneng Diamond Mine, nicknamed the ...
The Debswana Jwaneng Mine in Botswana, is the world's richest diamond mine by value, being worth about £1 billion. The mine is managed by Debswana, which is a joint collaboration between the ...
Canada’s Lucara Diamond (TSX: LUC) achieved record-breaking production in 2024, highlighted by the recovery of two exceptional stones at its prolific Karowe mine in Botswana. The miner increased ...
It might have been greatly mistaken at first to look at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the barren landscape of northern Canada’s territories and think of nothing more than another mining company that digs ...
Russia's diamond mines, which are found sprawling across the massive Siberia region, account for around a third of the ...
Botswana’s government signed on Tuesday a long-delayed diamond mining and sales agreement with Anglo American unit De Beers, the world’s leading diamond producer by value. As part of the deal ...
Australian gold mining company Kaiser Reef has struck a deal to acquire the Henty mine, in Tasmania, from Catalyst Metals in a transaction valued at A$31.6-million, positioning the company as a ...
First identified in 1967, lonsdaleite is the hardest naturally-occuring mineral ever discovered—yes, it’s even harder than diamonds. Lonsdaleite, however, has only been found in meteorites ...
The discovery of two viable kimberlite blows within the project led to mining permit applications, with one secured.
Among the copper operations affected by the outage was Escondida, the world’s largest, with Chile’s state copper major Codelco saying that all of its mines had suffered interruptions as a ...