owned by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). It can dive to a depth of 6,500 meters and has conducted about 1,800 deep-sea explorations to date.
A 6.9 magnitude earthquake in the Hyuga-nada Sea, at a depth of 18.6 miles, triggered a tsunami alert in Japan. The Japan Meteorological Agency reported the quake and the alert. The tsunami is ...
Rare-earth muds are only found in deep-sea regions. A notable characteristic of Japan’s oceans is depth. While the country’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) ranks sixth in the world for area ...
Sludge carpeted the water's edge. Waves during high tide lapped onto charred homes, pulling debris and potentially toxic ash into the ocean as they receded. “It was just heartbreaking,” said Quinn, ...
Vital to many expanding technologies, rare-earth deposits were identified in Japan’s deep-sea clays in 2013. Scientists have been contemplating the technical and environmental challenge this ...