Christ is not a “Plan B” in response to humanity’s failure; rather, he reveals the true end of creation. In the Incarnation, God’s living Word enters creation’s story as a human who both ...
One hundred years after his death, Steiner is a household name in Germany and his Waldorf schools can be found the world over ...
A “rich” life is one continually making discoveries. My life was made rich by a recent “discovery” – one that I should have ...
Catholics around the world celebrated the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, a date that marks the moment when the ...
Archbishop Hebda said that the word for humility comes from the Latin word “humus,” for earth or ground. To him, there’s an immediate connection between humility and the spreading of the ashes on Ash ...
Bank holidays in India vary from state to state and are determined by a combination of national, regional, and religious ...
To call the roll of Christian artists in all these fields is virtually to call the roll of the greatest artists, men animated by the Incarnation, the central concept of the Christian faith ...
This story was originally co-published by ProPublica and The New Yorker. The Ohio Model: Rarely seen letters show how the ...
Pixar’s Win or Lose and Disney’s shifting stance on diversity.