The clock was originally believed to have been made later, during the 1600s, around the time of the Reformation.
A part of Anderson’s history will soon be restored. The clock and bell occupying the main tower at the Madison County Government Center are set to be restored after the Madison County Commissioners ...
In the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, a village's tranquility is shattered as a centuries-old church tower emerges in a ...
Lucknow: Orchestrated by social media group admins settled in Canada and Saudi Arabia, a group of 60 enthusiasts got the real feel of Ramzan roza, ift.
A SPECIAL event was held in Ruthin to mark the successful restoration of a cherished landmark.
The City Hall and its clocktower landed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978 after being built between 1931 ...
St Anne’s Church in Shandon, home to the famous four-faced clock tower, will be restored through the Historic Structures Fund ...
Several high-profile residential conversion projects in downtown Pittsburgh are moving forward, while others are grappling ...
Yorkshire has, understandably, been fought over many times, building up layers of history and culture. There’s no better way ...
In honor of his mother and others imprisoned at the internment camp, baseball player Dan Kwong has restored a diamond in the ...
The legendary Chicago anchorman and commentator will deliver one last “Perspective” on WGN Radio, home to his weekly ...