The HK gov't has said it will hike rents for “well-off” public housing tenants up to 4.5 times the nominal level and evict ...
Nearly 1,200 of the most well-off tenants in Hong Kong’s public rental flats will be forced out in four years’ time even if ...
Rent of well-off tenants in public rental flats could more than double the original amount, in addition to some being forced out in four years’ time.
A Housing Authority committee tightened rules on Friday for well-off public housing tenants, raising the likelihood that ...
Lee Shau Kee was among the first generation of entrepreneurs in Hong Kong who started making a fortune from property ...
Security guard Fafa Ching has lived in multiple subdivided flats for over a ­dec­ade. Her current unit costs about US$490 (RM2,165) per month and lacks even a bathroom sink, forcing her to ­collect ...
The Office of the Ombudsman on Thursday urged the Housing Department to step up efforts to tackle illegal parking in public ...
Rather than leveraging advanced fabrication for superior quality, a new wave of prefabricated construction focuses on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, particularly in Hong Kong's public housing ...
The region is set to reduce recurrent expenditure by 7% cumulatively from now through FY27-28 to combat the deficit.
Venice winner Aditya Vikram Sengupta produces debut director Niladri Mukherjee's comedy-drama about corruption in an Indian ...