The metal fence, measuring less than a metre tall, was branded an 'eyesore' by councillors after it was erected - and could ...
David Grange, a scaffolder, has been ordered to take down a 0.9 metre-high fence outside his property in St Brides Court, ...
Scaffolder, David Grange, was ordered to remove a 0.9 metre-high fence outside his property in North Yorkshire.
An angry scaffolder has hit out after a small fence outside his home was branded an 'eyesore' by councillors and he was ...
David Grange said he was confident the railing, less than a metre high, would be approved, but it was described as an ...
A section of Grange Road in Felixstowe has been closed since December to enable engineers from regional gas distributor Cadent Gas to install new pipes, but the works were due to finish yesterday ...
A homeowner has been ordered to remove his 0.9m fence after councillors branded it an 'absolute mess', despite planning ...
A RAGING man has revealed how he was ordered to remove a mere 90cm fence from outside his home by the local council.
David Grange says he has been left 'baffled' by the row over the length of railing. Council planning officers recommended approving the 0.9m-high black metal fence on the suburban cul-de-sac in ...
TWO MEN have been jailed after they were caught armed with a metal pole as a brawl broke out in Cwmbran Shopping ... to be handcuffed by police and taken to the Grange University Hospital to receive ...