The two essays most commonly associated with graduate school applications are the statement of purpose and the personal statement. This is an opportunity for you to connect more deeply with both the ...
Undergraduate and graduate level writing have a number of differences, but your undergraduate writing experience serves as a foundation for moving on to the graduate level. There are two main paths ...
Essays allow MBA programs to see the real you. Explain why you're a good fit for that particular program. Allow enough time to prepare and proofread. A compelling MBA application essay can help ...
Secondary medical school essays should highlight why an applicant is a good fit. Applicants should submit the essays early without compromising quality. It's important to be authentic in essay ...
Designed to recognize the high quality of graduate student writing, it is given to the best paper written by a graduate student. Two prizes are awarded each year, one for an M.A. student and one for a ...
The Writing Center offers a suite of services for graduate students including standard 50-minute one-to-one sessions through our main appointment schedule, workshops, and extended writing support in ...
In general, graduate essays are expected to be well situated in terms of research on the topic(s) of the essay, are, of course, fully and properly documented according to an accepted bibliographic ...
The GWCC is a free resource brought to you through a partnership between the A&S Graduate Center and the Writing and Communication Center. Located on the first floor of Swem Library, the GWCC welcomes ...
Miami’s graduate creative writing alumni enjoy successful writing careers (recent graduates have sold first books to Alfred A. Knopf, Random House and Harcourt) as well as careers in university ...
The Writing & Speaking Center offers graduate students appointments with any of our consultants. Graduate students may use a total of 3.75 hours of support a week, which can be used in 45-minute to ...