Below are dates for when districts around the Jersey Shore go on break: This year Good Friday falls on Friday, April 18. This ...
WHITE RIVER JCT., Vt. (WCAX) - Students in the Upper Valley are dancing the night away for a good cause.
Students who are suspended are less likely to graduate. What’s more, suspensions exacerbate historic racial injustice.
Public schools have basic standards of fairness built into the law. Shouldn’t all schools that we fund with our tax dollars be accountable?
With all that’s going on in the world today, I’m hopeful we’ll not lose sight of the battle over the future of universal ...
Blackburn Middle School’s Octavia Shelby was shocked after being titled as 16 WAPT's Alyce Clarke teacher of the month for ...
New Orleans schools were awarded just $10 million of a $90 million settlement agreement with the city. What does that mean ...
LEBANON, Tenn. (WSMV) - The Wilson County School Board approved the request for the use of remaining discretionary funds for ...
Why are Middletown Township School District officials considering closing three schools? Here are the ones under ...
There's a type of "write-up" students are vying to get at Kilmer Middle School, helping to make acts of kindness the norm.
Funeral services for Ronnie “G$ Lil Ronnie” Sibley and his 5-year-old daughter R’mani Sibley are being held Thursday morning ...
First, Article VIII, Section 5 is almost comically unconstitutional. If a state is going to make public dollars available for ...