WILLIAMSPORT — Both defendants in a Union County drug case got a break in their sentences because of plea agreements ...
A DuBois man is facing charges after police allegedly located fentanyl, methamphetamine and other drugs in a Carson Avenue ...
At the time of her arrest, states the information, Hernandez had one glassine bag of fentanyl in her possession that was transported from outside the state of Vermont. Mapp and Hernandez were ...
While searching the homes, police found fentanyl, prescription drugs, drug packaging materials, stamps used for heroin packaging, cutting agents, empty glassine bags, electronic scales ...
North Jersey residents were charged in a phone scam in which they'd tell people to pay them or go to jail, Bergen County ...
ziplock bags, glassine envelopes and other materials used to package and measure narcotics, two “kilo” presses, and about $255,000 in cash, the task force said. The indictment includes counts ...
Oral airways, insufflation tubes and suction catheters are put into individual glassine envelopes, which are then closed and stapled. These envelopes are placed in 10-pound paper bags, which are ...
DuBOIS — A DuBois man is facing charges after police allegedly located fentanyl, methamphetamine and other drugs in a Carson Avenue residence. Sandy Township Police have charged Patrick D.