Another purpose of propaganda posters in WWI was to raise morale at home ... an American dove, and some French champagne. Unlike the steely-faced heroes of Soviet propaganda, some of the tsarist ...
The University of Warwick and the Imperial War Museums are advertising an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentship in Lithographs of the First World War: printmaking, propaganda and ...
The Brandeis University World War I and World War II Propaganda Posters collection includes nearly 100 different images (a majority from the WWI era) addressing a variety of American war aims. The ...
They analyze period propaganda posters to understand ... Roberts and Henry Johnson earned a French medal of honor for their heroic actions in World War I but were never honored by the United ...
Propaganda is used to try to make people think ... One journalist, Basil Clarke, hid on a train full of French soldiers. In April 1915 the ban was stopped and some journalists went to the front.
They belonged to my great­great-grandmother." A young girl pins a flower on a World War I French soldier in Lorraine, France. Photograph by Harriet Chalmers Adams, Nat Geo Image Collection A ...