A retiring Palm Beach County high school English teacher spells out challenges of lowered expectations in today's classroom.
Listen to a sports podcast, scroll social media, or use an app with native ads, and see how many times you encounter an ad ...
Intentional Rest Are you someone who's constantly feeling drained, yet you continue to push yourself to do more each day? If ...
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is launching a free online support group for depression on March 28. Depression affects millions of people worldwide, impacting both ...
A new study found that over half of US adults experienced some form of discrimination, and individuals with high exposure to discrimination have more than five times the chances of screening positive ...
People who most frequently encounter everyday discrimination – those subtle snubs and slights of everyday life – are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. What’s more, that finding ...
While the overall effectiveness of collaborative care has been well established, this study aimed to determine which specific ...
But next time you want to celebrate life with something sweet, try one of these egg-free desserts that are ... is said to have come about in the Great Depression when those ingredients were ...
A psychologist’s firsthand experience with psychotic depression - navigating stigma, loss, and recovery in academia, clinical ...
Choose activities that engage you and connect you to others. THE BASICS What Is Depression? Take our Depression Test Find a therapist to overcome depression Get the help you need from a therapist near ...