A new collaboration between Concordia’s Department of Theatre and the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) is giving ...
March’s PositivelyJAX award honors Beaches Fine Arts Series which is an organization that continues to inspire and enlighten ...
As an urban university, Boston University can sometimes feel devoid of green space. A new 92-by-45-foot garden located east ...
Despite all pressure and obstruction, the boycott action by university students across the country continued into its fourth ...
To submit a calendar event, email [email protected] or call 715-395-5000. The deadline is noon Tuesday for the ...
Munster Technological University (MTU) are now taking applications for a 16-month full-time Masters (MA) in Contemporary Art ...
Voting for IndyStar's student of the week opens each Monday at IndyStar.com, with voting continuing until noon, Thursday.
A Northern Tradition, a fundraiser for Mid Michigan College sponsored by Jay’s Sporting Goods, will take place 5pm-8pm Sunday ...
Kenworth and Averitt donate, ATA and WIT open nominations for scholarships and awards, and UAF releases a new award.
Last Thursday and Friday, Point University welcomed more than 500 students from across Troup County to the Scott Fine Arts ...
Byron Center is seeking community feedback on project ideas for an in-the-works November bond proposal. A community forum is ...