New research suggests that when people are hungry, they focus more on the tastiness of food and tend to ignore nutritional ...
The Jeremy Coller Centre for Animal Sentience at LSE will develop new approaches to studying the feelings of other animals scientifically.
Humans can't sense their own oxygen levels, but seals can, and it makes diving longer and safer.
A striking new study reveals that elected officials have a far more pessimistic view of voter behavior than do citizens ...
What’s likely happening is that when cats purr, special “pads” embedded within their vocal cord muscles contract and relax, causing a vibration-like noise every time the cat inhales and exhales and ...
In an excerpt from his new book, Outside’s Sweat Science columnist digs into the emerging science of why we’re drawn to the ...
But the fact remains that many of us head to the mountains with no expectation of celebrity, run marathons in the middle of the pack, and do Sudoku puzzles—all activities that, like purchasing Swedish ...