Naruto clearly established himself as a splendid, gutsy ninja, but it can't be expressed enough how his underrated qualities ...
Naruto is filled with powerful emotional moments that tug at the heartstrings, showcasing the deep bonds that define the ...
Sakura Haruno is one of the most controversial characters in Narutobecause she came across as a useless and irritating ninja ...
It’s part of why I was so excited to check out newly-released video game adaptation, Bleach: Rebirth of Souls. There’ve been ...
The mystery of the ninja is silent, deadly, and enigmatic, captivating audiences for decades across various forms of ...
Bleach Rebirth of Souls is much like the anime that inspired it. Packed full of great action scenes, hamstrung by awful ...
The loss of Kakashi's Sharingan forced him to adapt an entirely new fighting style, deeming him even stronger than before.
Lots of the ninja games on Roblox are familiar to people who like the Naruto anime and manga. The most recent addition to the site, Ninja Time, which used to be called The Time of Ninja ...
The new AI-driven webtoon platform RealToon has officially launched. It aims to improve the webtoon creation process by reducing production burdens for creators while delivering personalized content ...