Whale, that’s something you don’t see every day. A humpback made a shocking splash beneath the Brooklyn Bridge Monday — ...
In January, a Humpback whale named NYC0393 ... but were at a loss for why they were spending so much time in the East River. “There have been just a handful of sightings of this species in ...
NYC0393, a young humpback whale, washed up on Long Beach in January ... it was one of the popular pair that bobbed through the East River and danced alongside the NYC Ferry, which some suspected ...
It's something that people don't always appreciate," Chris St Lawrence of Gotham Whale said. The dolphins are healthy and could be feeding on fish that's now known to exist in the East River that ...
He moved over to East River High School and proceeded to bowl even better. He improved his regular season average by 20 pins and advanced to the state individual championship match again.
For the second straight year, East River sophomore Larielle Tharps was the best bowler on the best team in the state. She again led the Falcons to an undefeated season as the anchor for a repeat ...