Despite most characters in Dragon Ball surpassing the original version of Super Saiyan Goku, some never did – and never will.
Dragon Ball has introduced a wide range of Gods and deities over time, some of whom hit the scene much earlier than others.
To start, keep in mind that these battles are only from the Dragon Ball Z series. This means that we won’t be including fights from the original Dragon Ball story, Dragon Ball Super, and/or Dragon ...
The new line will be focusing sets like Squishmallows and Hello Kitty, but BLDR will also have anime buildable figures, too!
I had a hard time committing to an anime for this month's column (I use practically all my executive function ability to be a competent...executive, which means I flounder around in my free time ...
Many toys were different in the past. Let’s look at what they were like 100 years ago. This may be when your great-great-grandparents were alive. Image caption, A bedroom with toys from 100 ...