It’s hard to knock Sonia Citron off balance. The Notre Dame senior guard isn’t easily rattled. Opposing teams have developed a habit of bodying her at the perimeter, trying to disarm her at ...
That's when often underdiscussed star Sonia Citron, who was huge for Notre Dame the entire second, hit her biggest shot of the year to send the game to overtime.
However, there's another name you should know: Sonia Citron. The senior guard has been quietly working her way up draft boards throughout the season, often landing in the top 10 picks, including ...
Citron, the last actively developed Switch emulator on Android, just got a big update. It’s focused on stability and compatibility, including specific fixes for Samsung devices. Early testing ...
Citron has reverted to describing itself as a "Nintendo homebrew" emulator. The project strictly prohibits any discussion of piracy. This might be to avoid legal trouble with Nintendo, but it's ...
Pendant ce temps, coupez un citron en fines rondelles et ciselez quelques branches de persil frais. Dans un petit bol, mélangez 3 cuillères à soupe d’huile d’olive, le jus d’un demi ...
Difficile de résister à un coulant au chocolat… mais avez-vous déjà testé sa version au citron ? Avec son cœur fondant et son parfum acidulé, ce petit bijou sucré promet une explosion de ...
4. Washington Mystics - Sonia Citron, G, Notre Dame With their second pick of the lottery, the Mystics add one of the safest players in the draft. Citron will have no problems fitting into a WNBA ...
Back-to-back Fighting Irish are off the board with Citron's selection. The Sky are in need of a guard after losing last season's top scorer with the departure of Chennedy Carter. Chicago added ...
Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest-France pour recevoir notre newsletter. En savoir plus. Jeudi midi, un peu avant 10 h, déjà des clients qui attendent dans le petit ...
Servir la sauce moutarde à part. - Marinade : mélanger un tiers d'huile d'olive et deux tiers de jus de citron, sel et poivre du moulin. Ajouter les fines herbes et les fleurs de thym frais. - Sauce ...
Le barème des frais de carburant pour la déclaration de revenus 2025 vient d’être publié. Cet outil concerne les salariés qui utilisent leur véhicule personnel dans le cadre professionnel.