A rail authority combining four current or about-to-open commuter rail operations could be an option to help maintain service ...
DART plans to remove center crosswalks at seven LRT stations to improve safety. No service interruptions expected. Construction part of DART Transform.
Sections of four Plano roadways will see closures over the next week as construction continues on Dallas Area Rapid Transit's ...
The City of Richardson is now soliciting proposals that would redevelop its last and remaining Dallas Area Rapid Transit station into a thriving, mixed-use site expected to span nearly 14.5 acres.
Two identical bills filed with the Texas Legislature last week may lead to deep transit service cuts if passed, Dallas Area Rapid Transit has ... access to bus and rail services entirely ...
DART Board discusses Silver Line, proposed legislation, budget concerns, and potential financial audit. Member cities unhappy ...
DART has said the funding changes would lead to widespread route cuts, poorer service and layoffs. Less transit would likely ...
At the Dallas Regional Chamber's State of the Region event held in December, regional leaders addressed the opportunities and ...
Leaders in the city of Rowlett have had a change of heart about their calls to reduce funding for Dallas Area Rapid Transit ... at the downtown Rowlett light rail station for special events ...
Regional leaders hope DART and its member cities can resolve the dispute over funding and service equity locally. Regional leaders hope to settle differences between Dallas Area Rapid Transit and ...