Doña Ana Fire Rescue will graduate its 6th class of 21 cadets on March 28 with a ceremony at Doña Ana Community College.
How Danville Area Community College's campus and entrance area off East Main Street could look different in the future with a ...
The public graduation ceremony will be at 2 p.m. Friday, March 28 in the auditorium of the Doña Ana Community College East Mesa campus. Throughout the 24-week academy, cadets earned ...
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — Doña Ana Community College (DACC) students who want to transfer ... Feb. 26 at the East Mesa Campus, ...
The conference will be held at 8 a.m., Saturday, March 1, at the Student Resources Building, DAEM, DACC East Mesa Campus, 2800 Sonoma Ranch Blvd, Las Cruces. This year the event will feature 25 career ...
Since moving into a 45,000-square-foot health clinic on the East Valley Institute of Technology campus in Mesa in 2012, Adelante Healthcare has trained EVIT students, hiring more than 50.
East Valley Institute ... the school’s main campus built by the medical provider nearly 13 years ago. The tech school filed a lawsuit against Adelante Healthcare and Mesa Medical LLP in Maricopa ...
Virgin Galactic is set to begin assembling its first Delta Spaceships in March at its manufacturing facility in east Mesa, the company announced. These spaceships will be used for commercial ...
First-year Andrew Albright explained that many of his friends living in dorms on the east end of the quad — where the bulk of construction has taken place — have had to adjust their routes.