Credits place no obligations on buyers to stop producing or using unrecyclable plastic that ends up in the environment.
Over the past decade, the plastic straw came to symbolize a global pollution crisis. Here's more about the larger fight over ...
Once a pristine fishing hamlet, Tanjung Uma is now drowning in garbage and disease as it bears the brunt of unchecked waste ...
Straws have emerged as one of the leading contributors to the plastic pollution crisis, frequently appearing on beaches ...
Oceana’s U.S. plastics campaign director, Christy Leavitt said President Trump is “going in the wrong direction on single-use ...
President Donald Trump says he is banning federal use of paper straws, saying they “don’t work” and don’t last very long.
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order banning federal agencies from using paper straws. The order directs ...
paper debate, but the plastic straw has come to symbolize a global pollution ... polluting oceans and harming marine life. In ...