These nine unpretentious seafood havens transform into Easter celebration destinations, serving up feasts that would make the ...
For the indecisive or particularly hungry, the seafood platters present a greatest hits compilation – fried fish, shrimp, ...
Featuring local businesses, refreshments, door prizes. Proceeds benefit Auxiliary community projects. Annual Kitten Shower to ...
A fire nearly canceled Our Lady of Victory’s Lenten fish fry, but Dairyland hosted a drive-thru version, drawing long lines ...
Iowa Cubs home opener vs. Omaha Storm Chasers, 1 Line Drive, Des Moines 7 p.m. Friday Cost: Tickets $13-$56. Available online ...
The intrigue: Hallam is on a mission to go to as many fish fries as possible and has visited six in the first three weeks of ...
What's going on in Fremont and the surrounding area? Find out in our Things to Do feature which looks ahead to many area ...
It’s the halfway point for fish frys throughout Greater Cleveland. Non-profits – churches, VFW halls and other groups – are offering an array of dinners including everything from shrimp to slaw during ...
Glen McGehee was there in 1993 when the St. Matthews Knights of Columbus Council 8065 started the fish fry Lent tradition.
“We’ve got corn meal fried catfish, hush puppies, potato salad and tartar sauce. All done with high-end ingredients. This is ...
In my new role at The Church of St. Mary, I get to see a lot of church and community events from start to finish.