Traffic lights on Mitchell Avenue at the intersections of 26th and 27th streets will remain in place upon recommendation from a recent traffic study carried out by the city. City officials and members ...
No traffic street lights for one busy far eastside street! That's what's driving one viewer crazy this week.KFOX14 received ...
The city of New Braunfels is embarking on a project to adjust traffic light timings at key intersections to accommodate ...
The Route 10 traffic light and a sign for a downtown barbecue restaurant appeared to be the only casualties, although traffic ...
For nearly three months, drivers have swerved through the legume-like curves of the new roundabout. While the city hasn’t yet ...
Now, you can sit at a traffic light, like over by Wawa, for two, three cycles waiting to get through, especially in the ...
PECO officials said an issue with underground cables knocked out power for a few hundred customers in Center City on Tuesday morning.
The City of Ekurhuleni vows to step up patrols and secure key infrastructure - will these new measures finally restore order?