The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
That incarnation lasted until 1983, when Amtrak took over the operation. For a decade, Union Station hosted only Amtrak’s version of the California Zephyr, but different trains eventually came. Today, ...
VIA Rail, Canada’s national passenger rail service, launches a request for qualifications (RFQ) for its Dorval Hub Project.
NYC half marathon, also known as the United Airlines NYC Half, runs Sunday with a new route from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
The national government is too risk averse to fund trainlines. Let communities raise the money themselves.
The SANDAG Board approved five route options for the rail tracks along the Del Mar bluffs, including a no-build option.
The merger of several villages on the city's outskirts with HMDA will see infrastructure will be developed and connectivity ...
Maps reveal the height caps for new apartment and office buildings in the streets of six suburbs set to host Suburban Rail ...
The rail company will install new bridge spans to replace a section in Newport, Tenn., that collapsed after Hurricane Helene.
BocaConnect, the city’s eco-friendly downtown shuttle, has expanded its service to include a portion of the city’s barrier island.
With Pokémon Go, Niantic brought the beloved franchise into the real world, allowing players to catch, train, and battle ...
A proper weekend hangout in New York must always include four essential components: a crazy train ride story, a food date, a ...