Wildfires ravaged the state of Arkansas on Wednesday, and the capital city of Little Rock also saw its fair share of action.
Little Rock city officials said they're putting a temporary pause on adoptions for pet breeds that could be considered ...
American Airlines' newest route from Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport will fly to a Southern city known for historic events and ...
Little Rock was ranked the sixth most challenging city to live in with pollen allergies in the Asthma and Allergy Foundation ...
WalletHub released a new analysis ranking America's most overweight cities, based on obesity rates, health consequences and ...
Researchers said as the second-most overweight city, Little Rock had the fourth-highest obesity rate among children aged ...
Little Rock city leaders say people mostly come to the River Market during the day, and now they have some new ideas to ...
Little Rock city leaders gathered for an Agenda Setting Board Meeting where they addressed key issues related to safety, ...
The Little Rock Board of Directors ended virtual attendance at meetings and will vote next week on whether to restart a ...
Two waterfowl-themed public art installations, including a 300-pound wooden duck sculpture, are on their way to the state ...