Bedmap3 is the most fine-grain map to date of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice. Scientists created it using more than ...
The British Antarctic Survey has revealed a new map showing what Antarctica looks like under the several thousands of meters ...
"The map gives us a clear view of the white continent as if its 27 million cubic km of ice have been removed, revealing the ...
The British Antarctic Survey have released the most detailed map yet of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice sheet ...
Never seen, perhaps, but that doesn't mean forever to remain unknown. For years, the British Antarctic Survey has been flying ...
A Fortnite quests asks players to travel distance while sliding continuously for a certain distance and here is how.
Nearly two hours into the University Community Planning Group’s March 11 meeting, a decision on a large proposed development ...
In this week’s Science for All newsletter, Priyali Prakash explains what is Bedmap3, the most comprehensive map yet of the ...
The most detailed map yet of the landscape beneath Antarctica's ice sheet has been assembled by a team of international ...
A big East Bay housing project that would produce hundreds of units is pushing ahead with a $25 million property deal.
The place thought to have had the thickest overlying ice was Astrolabe Basin, in Adélie Land, but a reinterpretation of data ...
There are few frontiers in the world that can still be said to be unexplored. One of these terra incognita is the land ...