NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. winter virus season is in full force, and by one measure is the most intense in 15 years.
So they’re out for a few hours this afternoon.”Her flock of more than 300 laying hens have had to be a lot more cooped up ...
Some experts say it’s the worst flu season they’ve seen nationally in the last 15 years. In Massachusetts, recent ...
The weekly number of lab-confirmed influenza cases on Long Island was the highest in at least the past two seasons, with ...
Levels of influenza nationwide are now at the highest they have been since the peak of the 2009 swine flu pandemic, according ...
Cases of the flu continue to rise nationwide and now appear to be higher than they've been in at least three decades, ...
The US is experiencing its most intense flu season since 2009 - This flu season has shuttered schools across the nation and ...
The map of flu activity across the United States continues to darken, both figuratively and literally, as case numbers spike ...
The information was not reported as it usually is by the CDC, in a weekly breakdown of flu activity called FluView, but was added to a section that focuses on respiratory illnesses in general. Trends ...
The information was not reported as it usually is by the CDC, in a weekly breakdown of flu activity called FluView, but was added to a section that focuses on respiratory illnesses in general.
The exact timing of when flu season begins and ends depends on where you live, Alicia Budd, MPH, an epidemiologist in the Influenza Division at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ...