The storied onetime steward of Vanity Fair — and, at 75, a newly minted memoirist — sits with a former intern for a probing ...
A rare set of original photos from the Lizzie Borden crime scene are expected to fetch thousands at a world-renowned New York show.
The UAE plans to bring its writers to the Minsk International Book Fair, Belarusian Deputy Information Minister Denis ...
The fourth edition of the African Book Fair is under way in Paris, with Diaspora Travels as its theme. Cameroon and Brazil are the guests of honour during the three-day event, which brings together ...
It is "plainly" unconstitutional for Defense Department-run K-12 schools to ban books for political reasons, said 26 ...
Vero Beach faces threats from overdevelopment; leave Sebastian monuments alone; Stuart doesn't need Brightline station; kill ...
“We’ve taken immediate legal action due to the false and defamatory nature of the allegations,” a Meta spokesperson told Vanity Fair, noting that the company sent a demand letter to the book ...
The conflict centers on whether AI companies should be allowed to use books, movies, articles and other creative works to ...
Rooms to Go, based in Seffner, Florida, would take over the bookstore’s 3.8-acre space at the Kendall Village West shopping ...
The commissioner also noted that no Georgia-domiciled insurer can distribute extraordinary dividends to shareholders without ...
Former student Robert Murray says he has a good excuse for returning a book to the University of B.C. Library 64 years late — ...
Paul McCartney, Cynthia Erivo, and Chris Rock were among the over 400 celebrities who signed an open letter on March 18th ...