In terms of shape, Prince said blue whales aren’t too different from fin whales, which are commonly spotted in Newfoundland.
North Atlantic right whales have stocky black bodies, no dorsal fin, short pectoral fins and ... Volunteer sighting network maintained by Blue World Research Institute: 888-97-WHALE (94253) ...
Irish Wildlife Trust urges government to submit overdue roadmap for phasing out destructive fishing in Marine Protected Areas ...
The Ocean Census reveals 866 new marine species, highlighting vital ocean biodiversity and the need for swift species ...
Shark lab researchers say they have a mountain of tracking data that shows juvenile great whites, some as long as nine feet, ...
She rose from afternoon slumbers with something pinching her tail. Three feet below the surface of San Diego Bay her equine ...
Blue icon designed on a grid system. dorsal fin stock illustrations Shark fin above water line ... descriptions and education. The whale is blowing. Salmon Ocean and River Fish Line Icon Set. Dive ...
blowing through it's blow hole and then diving back into the blue water and swimming off. beluga whale dorsal fin swim by close up This close up video shows a white beluga whale breaching the water's ...
Blue cod in Milford Sound on a bedrock outcrop ... common bully unless you count the number of spines in the first dorsal fin, which are hard to spot. TÄ«pokopoko will not have an easy campaign.
Whales are a group of mammals that live in oceans. They include some of the largest animals on Earth. The blue whale is the ...
A North Atlantic right whale was spotted with her new calf off Florida's east coast Feb. 23. The whales are among the most ...