Finally the Book of Deuteronomy contains similar verses (4:2 & 12:32). Does this imply that the Books after Deuteronomy are not inspired by God? No. A third problem with the "Bible Alone" teaching ...
Around 30 people gathered on Sunday to dedicate the new home of First Church of Christ, Scientist in Loveland and celebrate ...
Theologian Dr. Benard Andrew has disclosed that setting fixed fees for spiritual services contradicts biblical values. He ...
Prophet Bajinder's controversial ministry in Punjab attracts thousands seeking miracles, amid allegations of sexual ...
Unshrunk: A Story of Psychiatric Treatment Resistance, the newly published book by Laura Delano, is scaring the hell out of ...
We all want to be happy. For most of us, we easily remember the happiness of our childhoods when our parents took care of us and worried about all the big problems. Our biggest problems back then were ...
Verses 9-10 present the punishments and ... Now if God simply forbids the making of graven images, then there are problems elsewhere in the Bible. First, in Exodus 25:18-21, God commands Moses ...
Today, besides Hamas, Hezbollah, and Ayatollah Khamenei, we are hated by U.N. officials and innumerable college faculty, students, commentators, journalists, and government officials around the world.
A section of Jesus’ Bible worth investigating today belongs to the book of Leviticus chapters 12:1 – 13:59. Please, have a look in your Bible at these verses. The bulk of this reading covers the topic ...
In that article I discussed a volume by Douglas Wilson: A Serrated Edge (CanonPress, 2003). The book’s subtitle is this: “A ...
It's the knowledge of God obtained through the bible that will provide us with the tools we need. 2 Timothy 3 verses 16-17says "All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for ...
So the Christian, whether reading the Bible or any other book, needs to know a bit about how literature works, and things ...