A woman, who had suffered injuries in the building collapse in Belur, succumbed in a hospital in Hassan early on March 14 morning, taking the toll to three. Two people had died on the spot when a ...
Two people died and three others suffered injuries when a portion of an old building in front of the bus stand at Belur collapsed on Sunday. Amaranath, 42, and Nazeer, 48, died as they were stuck ...
POS-KUPANG.COM, BA'A - Kepala Desa Boni, Kecamatan Loaholu, Dominggus Fanggi (45), babak belur dikeroyok sejumlah pemuda di Jalan Raya Dusun Longgo, Desa Busalangga Timur, Kecamatan Rote Barat Laut, ...
Minister for Forest, Ecology and Environment Eashwar B Khandre has directed the Karnataka Forest Department to capture three elephants that were involved in the accidental death of a 47-year-old ...
KUPANG, KOMPAS.com - Seorang siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri 4 Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), berinisial YA dikembalikan kepada orangtua, karena menganiaya guru hingga babak belur.
POS-KUPANG.COM, BA'A - Kepala Desa Boni, Kecamatan Loaholu, Dominggus Fanggi babak belur dikeroyok sejumlah pemuda tidak dikenal di Dusun Longgo, Desa Busalangga Timur, Kecamatan Rote Barat Laut, ...
SPIKE MEGAWATI - Megawati Hangestri (nomor 8) dan libero Red Sparks, Noh Ran (jersey putih) saat pertandingan putaran lima Liga Voli Korea 2024/2025 melawan IBK Altos di Chungmu Gymnasium, Korea ...
Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani Indrawati. FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Wakil Ketua DPR RI Sufmi Dasco Ahmad memastikan bahwa kondisi fiskal Indonesia dalam keadaan stabil dan kuat di tengah penurunan indeks ...
FAJAR.CO.ID, JAKARTA-- Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan atau IHSG anjlok 5,02 persen ke level 5.146 pada 18 Maret 2024. Video Presiden Prabowo yang mengaku tidak peduli ancaman saham bakal turun karena ...
MALING APES - Maling di Dusun Candimulyo, Jombang, Jumat (14/3/2025). Gagal mencuri malah ketahuan pemilik rumah dan diamuk warga Laporan Anggit Puji Widodo SURYAMALANG.COM, JOMBANG - Aksi maling ...
KLARIFIKASI ATLET TAEKWONDO - Seorang atlet Taekwondo asal Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, bernama Fidya Kamalinda yang dikabarkan menghilang sejak tahun 2015 akhirnya muncul. TRIBUN-MEDAN.com - Kisah Fidya ...
Patna: After bird flu cases, caused by H5N1 virus, were confirmed in poultry and other birds found dead on the premises of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Patna, on Feb 27, Patna ...