As these brands borrow from the likeness of well-established brands, potential customers either feel confident in the counterfeit or confuse them entirely, mistaking the copycat for the original ...
While counterfeit food and cosmetics can be harmful, replica bags, shoes, and clothes pose no real risk—except for sometimes lacking durability. The country’s replica market has stepped up its game in ...
His brother Anisuzzaman Chowdhury, who is also listed as the owner of a smaller number of ... a senior official says they include the families of Bashundhara Group chairman Ahmed Akbar Sobhan ...
Since early Saturday, employees of Bashundhara Garments Limited in Savar barricaded ... “Salaries were due by the 10th of each month, but on February 9, the owner shut the factory indefinitely without ...
Bangladesh Bank chief Ahsan H Mansur has agreed to allow Bashundhara Group to restructure its loan "if proper procedures are followed". Central bank spokesperson Arif Hossain Khan said Bashundhara ...
Police detained a top listed criminal Sazzad Hossain, alias Choto Sazzad, from Bashundhara City Shopping Complex in Dhaka last night. Confirming the matter, Tejgaon Police Station Officer-in ...
Advertisement But one thing I’ve seen repeatedly covering the NHL the past 20 years is the value of a good owner to an organization — and the disruption that can come from having a bad one.
Two foreign nationals were injured and allegedly robbed of cash and mobile phones during a "mob attack" in the capital's Bashundhara Residential Area yesterday afternoon. The duo later identified ...
Then ¥9000 per month. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism on any device. Cancel anytime during your trial. Complete digital access to quality FT journalism with expert analysis from ...
The new owner of The Original Factory Shop (TOFS) is drawing up plans for a radical restructuring of the discount retailer just weeks after taking control. Sky News has learnt that Modella Capital ...
A dog managed to fire a gun and wound his owner in an accidental shooting in Memphis on Monday, police said. The 39-year-old victim was relaxing and talking with a female friend on his bed when ...
Larry J. Dolan, owner of MLB’s Cleveland Guardians, died Sunday at the age of 94, the team announced Monday. Dolan, brother to Cablevision and HBO founder Charles Dolan — who died two months ...