Ancient manuscripts detailing the events during the Roman Empire may contain 'historical evidence' about Jesus Christ. The ...
A sprawling Yiddish-language epic looks back on the lost world of Jewish life in the shtetls of early 20th-century Europe.
If nothing else, Huff’s comments invite us to re-read familiar texts with fresh eyes, and maybe stop calling everything an ...
The record-breaking 7 SEC programs who've rolled into the Sweet 16 have numerous interesting nuggets to know about them.
If you're looking for the best things to do in Montreal, start your planning here! Find out all the top Montreal attractions ...
The foremost representative of early German Romantic painting, Friedrich is thankfully receiving renewed attention at New ...
More than one scholar has noted the absence of self-critique in ancient literature of all peoples except the Jews.
In this book, we have sought to fill the gaps of knowledge on subjects that the average Jewish college student might confront ...
Tick off 15 African countries – among them, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe and Liberia – on a 37-day cruise up the west coast, ...