A recently published article in the journal Weed Science demonstrates just how devastating Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus ...
Albert Adjesiwor, University of Idaho Extension Weed Specialist and Associate Professor, said a pigweed, known as Palmer ...
New chromosome-level genomes have been published for three troublesome Amaranthus weed species: Palmer amaranth and redroot and smooth pigweed. The advancement represents a major leap in ...
Knowing how devastating Palmer amaranth can be, it’s important that farmers learn how to identify and manage the weed. Scouting fields to determine which weeds are most prevalent is a key step ...
A recently published article in the journal Weed Science demonstrates just how devasting Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) can be for furrow-irrigated rice production, even in small amounts. The ...
Weeds like Palmer amaranth make farming harder and less profitable ... the study also represents the first genomes published by the International Weed Genomics Consortium, an organization ...
Syngenta's Storen corn herbicide is a residual that uses a premium formulation to keep fields cleaner for longer — and growers are taking notice.
Help can’t arrive fast enough for corn and soybean farmers who routinely battle Palmer amaranth (pigweed) or waterhemp, especially those with resistance to currently available herbicide ...
These resources accelerate the development of innovative weed control strategies for sustainable agricultural practices globally. Complete chromosome-level genomes for Palmer amaranth and pigweeds ...
and Amaranthus hybridus allow for genomic comparisons and identification of a sex-determining region," is published in The Plant Journal. This work was supported by the International Weed Genomics ...
WESTMINSTER, Colo., March 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- A recently published article in the journal Weed Science demonstrates just how devasting Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) can be for furrow ...