At Tom's Guide, we've tried them all. From cognitive shuffling to the military method and the 4-7-8 method, we're big fans of ...
Alpha waves are a type of electrical activity in the brain that are typically present when a person is calm — like when they are meditating or daydreaming. There are five common types of brainwaves: ...
In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety have become common concerns, finding simple and effective ways to ...
It’s a common belief that music soothes the soul. But some researchers and healthcare companies say it can be used to heal the mind — and maybe the body as well. What is music-as-medicine?
And now Emily McDonald, a neurosurgeon, has shared “what I do every single morning as a neuroscientist to basically be the ...
A new study finds that combining transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) with aerobic exercise significantly reduces ...
Discover methods that genuinely improve sleep quality, from red light therapy to breathing techniques. Health coaches reveal ...
Dr James Hardt has been training people to control their brain waves since the 1980s but recently found an 'angel pattern' among some individuals. The 'pattern' depends on where elevated Alpha ...
Enhance your concentration and mental clarity with natural supplements. Discover the best vitamins, herbs, and nutrients to ...
The Elemind headband uses acoustic stimulation to guide your brain into sleep mode. Here's what happened when I tried it.
Research reveals how specific sound frequencies can affect you, with promising applications for pain management, stress ...