An algal bloom is a rapid increase in the population of algae ... and nonpoint sources contribute to changing chlorophyll a levels in Chesapeake Bay. The step-by-step instructions below describe how ...
As more studies and papers emerge about the wider ecosystem benefits of farming low trophic aquaculture species, there is ...
A toxic algae bloom is causing sea lions and other mammals and birds to become sick. Domoic acid toxicity is caused by ocean blooms of algae called Harmful Algal Blooms. The toxin causes ...
SAN DIEGO — A troubling situation is unfolding along the San Diego coastline as a dangerous algae bloom leads to an alarming rise in sea lions falling seriously ill. The bloom has caused a ...
Toxic algae blooms contain a neurotoxin that is likely impacting the sea lions. Sea lions on the California coast are reportedly displaying strange behavior, likely due to a harmful algae bloom ...
Waves of poisoned animals are washing up across the Central Coast, marking the fourth year in a row that toxic algae blooms have led to a mass die-off of marine mammals. Domoic acid, a potent ...