Hand-carved arrowheads and jagged spears made of obsidian, a sharp rock formed by volcanic magma, are remnants of vast ...
Bill 48 sets out the legal foundation for a competitive market for online gambling in the Western Canadian province.
From stargazing spots and forest trails to a packed festival calendar, here’s why Alberta’s capital should be your next ...
The current world-record archery bighorn measures 209 1/8 inches and was taken in Pennington County, South Dakota, in 2018.
In my experience, a rifle that weighs about seven pounds or less and still allows a hunter to consistently place shots within a 1.5-MOA target is adequate for most mountain hunting. Not every rifle is ...
For cash-strapped rental hunters in Burlington, a recent listing posted to social media might have seemed like a refuge; a two-bedroom apartment, on the basement level but bright and newly ...
Duck hunting has been added to a list of prohibited activities in areas of Victoria near Euroa where bird flu has been detected. Victoria's duck hunting season opens on Wednesday and will last for ...
Stumbling around in the gloomy grey light, tired from post-holing through pockets of knee-deep snow and zigzagging through jumbled rock, the ridge suddenly – and fortuitously! – opened up to a ...
This map has recently seen a resurgence among DayZ players thanks to its busy city environments and fast opportunities for loot and death. Set to go live at 7 p.m. PDT/10 p.m. EDT over on the ...
New legislation proposed by Alberta’s government would make hunting in a wheelchair legal and permit kids as young as 12 to use guns without adults around. Hunters would also not have to wear ...
His wife was fined $2,000 and both were banned from hunting for a year in B.C. A subsequent two-year investigation by B.C. and Alberta wildlife officers resulted in more than $25,000 in fines ...
EDMONTON — New legislation proposed by Alberta's government would make hunting in a wheelchair legal and permit kids as young as 12 to use guns without adults around. Hunters would also not have to ...