Power is mostly restored in the Miami Valley after severe thunderstorms moved through the area Wednesday night.
Where do meteorites of different types come from? In a review paper in the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science, ...
A new Cities Skylines 2 mod adds a tropical map to Paradox's management game, and it's perfect for wiling away the hours until GTA 6.
Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia, ending an offensive that had stunned the ...
The NFTA-Metro Paratransit Expansion study was done in response to advocates push to look at expanding services in the ...
The Postal Districts remained largely unchanged since 1950, while electoral boundaries are redrawn before each General ...
A NASA-led study has confirmed that global sea level rise doubled in 2024, primarily driven by the record-breaking ocean ...
The 3D cosmic map building DESI has provided more clues that dark energy is weakening over time, suggesting our best model of ...
Ukrainian forces have likely retreated from nearly all of Russia’s Kursk region. Kyiv’s months-long campaign to seize and ...
Amid higher interest rates, tariffs and other economic headwinds, some developers nixed their South Florida office projects.
Jenniskens and Devillepoix find that low iron (L chondrite) and very low iron (LL chondrite) meteorites come to us primarily from the inner main belt. Scientists have long linked the LL chondrites to ...
A new study by NASA and NOAA reveals that certain areas in California are sinking while others are rising. The Central Valley ...