Girls are already more likely to be obese than overweight. Overall, by 2050, for those aged 5–24 ... dire financial and societal costs across future generations," she said.
Australian girls are already more likely to be obese than overweight. Overall, by 2050 for those aged five ... financial and ...
Girls are already more likely to be obese than overweight. Overall, by 2050 for those aged 5-24 years ... dire financial and societal costs across future generations," she said.
It shows that for children aged five to 14, obesity will rise from 12.0% of girls in 2021 to 18.4% in 2050, and from 9.9% to 15.5% in boys over the same period. Within this age group, the rise ...
Girls are already more likely to be obese than overweight. Overall, by 2050 for those aged 5-24 years ... dire financial and societal costs across future generations," she said.
Australian girls are already more likely to be obese than overweight. Overall, by 2050 for those aged five ... financial and societal costs across future generations. “With this age group ...