It's game week 2 in the SSE Airtricity Women's Premier Division, and one name has dominated the headlines in the build-up.
Dr Victor & the Rasta Rebels are returning to the stage at Theatre of Marcellus, Emperors Palace (Johannesburg) next month.
The coaster was brought down just before 7 a.m. Chopper 6 was overhead the remains of the thrill ride that is now just a pile of mangled steel. Now, crews will work to remove what is left ahead of ...
“I just like the thrill of getting there first ... including drugstores and warehouse clubs, Stop & Shop had 18.2% of the market share as of March, down from 20.08% in 2021, according to ...
Cedar Point has some good news for roller coaster fans. The Sandusky amusement park has made a reversal of sorts on one of its more controversial policies for riding its Top Thrill 2 roller coaster.
The Sandusky amusement park has made a reversal of sorts on one of its more controversial policies for riding its Top Thrill 2 roller coaster. When the ride made its brief debut last season before ...