Football Manager 25 has been cancelled, with developer Sports Interactive explaining why. The long-running video game series has been releasing new entries yearly since 2004, and the latest instalment ...
Ever since Football Manager 2005, the series has had consistent yearly releases, just as usual for sports games. Generally, ...
Football Manager 2025 has been killed, and the pressure is on FM26 to be the best game in the series' history.
It was recently announced the next entry of a popular Sega simulation video game franchise is canceled, with focus shifting ...
أعلنت شركة "سيجا" العالمية، نبأ صادمًا لعشاق لعبة المحاكاة الرياضية الشهيرة فوتبول مانجر "Football Manager 25"، اليوم الجمعة.
Sports Interactive has officially killed Football Manager 2025, but the cancellation is the right move for fans.
تُعد ألعاب كرة القدم على الهواتف الذكية من أكثر الألعاب شعبية بين عشاق الرياضة حيث توفر تجارب مثيرة وممتعة تجعلهم يشعرون كأنهم في الملعب من خلال الرسوميات الرائعة.