MANCHESTER–Manchester Community Library will welcome Manhattan-based poet and actor David Mills, who will bring three unique ...
Four journalists will receive the prestigious Yankee Quill Award this spring for their contributions to the betterment of journalism in the six-state New England region.
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation’s Pipelines and Pathways Program will hold the third annual Fearless Futures Fair at Bellows Falls Union High School on Wednesday, April 2, from 9 am to 12 ...
To the Editor, On Friday, March 14, President Trump signed an executive order titled: “Continuing the Reduction of the Federal Bureaucracy.” This executive order called for an immediate defunding of ...
READSBORO - Shirley Ann LaBonte, 80, died on Tuesday, January 11, at Vernon Green Nursing Home. Shirley was born in Thompsonville, CT, on December 24, 1941, the daughter of the late Clifford and Norma ...
DOVER - At the Dover Selectboard’s Tuesday meeting, a motion to support “The Original Green Mountain Cannabis and Music Festival” with 1% economic development funds was defeated 3-2. Per the event’s ...
MARSHFIELD- The Twin Valley boys’ soccer team saw their season come to an end Saturday in the quarterfinal round of the state D4 tournament. The fifth-seeded Wildcats suffered a difficult 1-0 loss to ...
GUILFORD - The Brattleboro Words Trail is collaborating with community partners to host an official unveiling of a state historic marker recognizing the achievements of the nation’s first ...
SOUTHERN VERMONT - Robert “Bob” Thibault has been announced as the incoming superintendent for Windham Central Supervisory Union to replace outgoing superintendent William Anton, who has served in the ...
WILMINGTON - John Langran and Kate Follett are bringing their growing, years-long effort, Rock Against Racism Vermont, to their home turf for a festival to be held at Adams Farm. In doing so, they’ll ...
WILMINGTON- It was the Wildcats versus the Wildcats at Hayford Field, as the Twin Valley girls’ varsity soccer team squared off with visiting White River Valley on Thursday, September 15. As has been ...