Recreate the flavors of your favorite halal cart meal with marinated spicy crispy-tender chicken served over turmeric rice ...
Adjust the lid to cover partially and simmer until the rice is cooked, 10 to 15 minutes longer. Remove from the heat, uncover, and let stand for 5 minutes. Serve with yogurt, cucumbers ...
Season with salt to taste. Garnish rice and chicken with remaining cilantro. Serve with dollops of yogurt and lime wedges alongside each serving.
Boil rice until soft, mash slightly, and let it cool. Mix fresh yogurt with cooled rice for a creamy texture. Heat oil, add mustard seeds, curry leaves, and green chilies. Stir in ginger, asafoetida, ...
Season with salt. To serve, spoon saffron rice onto plates and top with turkey meatballs. Spoon green yogurt over top and garnish with cilantro.
Mutton blended with aromatic spices and yogurt, topped with coriander leaves and served with fresh steam rice. A quick and almost easy recipe to make at home and serve at your next dinner party. Add ...