Art history and haute couture are united in a spell-binding showcase that forms a fashion trail through the Musée du Louvre’s Department of Decorative Arts. ByLee Sharrock , Contributor.
the new director of the Louvre’s decorative arts department, said of the three legendary French fashion designers in a Vogue interview earlier this year. He went on to note that the birth of Haute ...
An exhibition at the Louvre-Lens in France examines centuries of interplay between art and fashion, including what the ...
L'habit ne fait pas le moine, mais fait-il l'artiste ? La nouvelle exposition temporaire du Louvre-Lens interroge le rapport ...
Spanning from the Renaissance to the present day, the exhibit features over 200 pieces that explore the historic relationship ...
À travers un florilège issu de quarante-cinq grandes maisons, l’exposition « Louvre couture » montre combien la ...
Le point commun entre Yves Saint Laurent, Rembrandt, Niki de Saint Phalle, Andy Warhol et Rosa Bonheur ? « S’habiller en ...
Des somptueuses robes signées Dolce&Gabbana au Grand Palais aux fils au BDMMA à Paris, dresse un tour ...
The Louvre in Paris is the most visited museum in the world, attracting around nine million visitors every year. Its current ...
The inaugural showcase was designed to highlight the "Louvre Couture ... If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The French haute couture designer stayed true to his signature style with a striped ...
L'exposition "S’habiller en artiste. L’artiste et le vêtement" ouvre ce mercredi 26 mars au Louvre-Lens et sera visible jusqu ...