The first clients to use a new safe parking lot for homeless people were expected to roll into Oceanside on Friday night, ...
Residents, business owners and City Council members in El Cajon expressed support for a downtown car show during a workshop last week, but many also agreed changes are needed to address complaints.
EL CAJON, Calif. — El Cajon City Council approved a measure 3-2 Tuesday evening that affirms El Cajon is not a "sanctuary city" and absolves its police officers of punishment if they cooperate ...
Councilman Kendrick had the City Attorney clarify that SB 54 was challenged in federal court in 2017, but was upheld as constitutional by atrial court and by the 9th circuit court, with the Supreme ...
In a packed city council meeting, El Cajon's City Council voted on a resolution introduced by Mayor Bill Wells, stating their intentions to cooperate with the federal government’s efforts to ...
After a lengthy and passionate debate Tuesday, the El Cajon City Council voted 3-2 to support a resolution that asserted the city’s commitment to comply with the enforcement of federal ...
The El Cajon City Council passed a resolution asserting the city’s intent to support the Trump administration’s deportation efforts 3-2 Tuesday afternoon amid a packed room filled with critics ...
This time, council members voted 3-2, confirming the city's intent to work with federal immigration authorities. Cheers and jeers filled El Cajon City Council chambers after they voted in favor of ...
Mayor of El Cajon, California Bill Wells details their city council voting to reject cooperating with President Donald Trump's deportation plans.
On February 12, a workshop was held at the El Cajon City Council Chambers to discuss options that the City Council may wish ...
After scraping a resolution addressing the role local police can play in assisting federal agents enforcing immigration laws two weeks ago, the El Cajon City Council will consider a similar ...
El Cajon City Council has been going back and forth on how the city should interact with federal immigration authorities EL CAJON (KGTV) — El Cajon City Council has been going back and forth to ...